About me

Why you'd want to be peanut butter in my jelly sandwich ?

Yeah, it’s a bit corny but hey, why not ? My name is Nguyen Phuc Thinh, I’m currently a third-year software engineering student in Ho Chi Minh University of Technology.

  • I’m learning to get bachelor’s degree in Computer Science at HCMUT
  • I love exploring and exploiting new knowledge, I do like reading book but never finish them.
  • I love learning Japanese and learning about Japan’s Culture.
  • I grew up in very awesome and supportive family

This month (05/2022), I have started my first position as a Software Development Fresher at ZaloPay - a leading Vietnamese e-wallet service - and I’m very happy to share this.

My History

To be honest, I’m having some trouble remembering right now, so you can also look at a more extensive resume if you’re interested and it will answer most your questions.